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Pfeiffer Vacuum launches new gas analysers

Source: Update:2020-07-01 19:51:59 Author: Browse:486次

German vacuum pumps manufacturer Pfeiffer Vacuum has launched its two newest gas analysers, the OmniStar® and the ThermoStar®.

Introduced today, the OmniStar and ThermoStar GSD 350 are compact, portable benchtop analysers for analysing gases at atmospheric pressure.

The analysers are particularly used for applications in chemical processes, in the semiconductor industry, metallurgy, fermentation, catalysis, freeze-drying and environmental analysis.

A gas inlet is fitted with a heated capillary for use at up to 350°C which prevents vapours from condensing during process gas analysis.

The ThermoStar solution was specially developed for coupling with thermo balances. The inlet system with a quartz capillary and a platinum orifice ensures that even the smallest concentrations can be analysed.,

The OmniStar was developed for a wide range of applications and uses a stainless-steel capillary as well as a valve which can interrupt the sample gas stream. 

Unlick other analytical methods such as FTIR or GC-FID, the two new devices allow simultaneous detection of all gases within the mass range.

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