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RWE and Germany LNG Terminal explore hydrogen opportunities

Source: Update:2020-06-22 20:30:53 Author: Browse:472次

German electric utilities company RWE and German LNG Terminal, the joint venture developing Germany’s first LNG terminal, have signed an agreement to jointly explore hydrogen opportunities.

The companies today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to promote the use of hydrogen produced from renewable sources.

“RWE’s interest in jointly exploring the import of hydrogen in Brumsbüttel proves the strategic importance of the site and the project,” said Rolf Brouwer, Managing Director of German LNG Terminal.

“Hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources is in line with Germany’s goal to become climate-neutral by 2050.”

LNG import terminals like Brunsbüttel can be combined with energy points for liquid hydrogen produced in other regions of the world where wind and solar energy are available at larger scale and lower cost than in Germany.

Existing gas pipelines connected to the terminal are a perfect fit to distribute hydrogen locally. 

“We are advocates of LNG. It can provide Germany with clean and affordable energy today and at the same time contribute to reducing emissions in the maritime and road transport sector as an alternative fuel,” said Javier Moret, Global Head of LNG at RWE Supply & Trading GmbH.

“At the same time, we want to make sure we are prepared for the next technological advancement. In the future hydrogen will play a key role as a climate-neutral fuel in the energy mix.”

“In the future, hydrogen will play a key role as a climate-neutral fuel in the energy mix. We are prepared for this next step with the new agreement.”

The agreement follows on from a previously signed agreement in September 2018 for a considerable part of the planned terminal’s LNG import capacity.

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