Following a surge in new Covid-19 cases, the Delhi government on Wednesday said it will provide oxygen facilities at all beds in dedicated Covid-19 hospitals.
If piped oxygen supply is not available, the government authorised hospitals to purchase the necessary equipment against DSHM Covid funds in a statement.
“It has been observed that there has been a surge in the number of positive cases of Covid-19 in last one week in Delhi, resulting in additional demand of ICU beds and beds with oxygen facility,” the statement said.
“In the view of above, it is decided to make oxygen facility available on all hospital beds available in designated Covid Hospitals of Government of NCT of Delhi.”
“Medical directors/directors of all designated Covid Hospitals of Government of NCT of Delhi are directed to arrange oxygen supply at all hospital beds where piped oxygen supply is not available through oxygen concentrators or oxygen cylinders.”
“The necessary equipment may be procured by the Hospitals and same may be charged against DSHM Covid fund.”
At the time of writing, Delhi currently has 34,687 confirmed cases of Covid-19 with 1,085 deaths.
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