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Air Liquide and ST to collaborate on digital transformation

Source: Update:2019-05-22 14:58:35 Author: Browse:14454次

Through this initiative, ST anticipates supporting Air Liquide in its digital transformation, providing guidance and solutions, while Air Liquide anticipates working with ST in developing technologies and solutions for industrial applications.

The parties anticipate collaborating to identify cases where ST’s technologies would best fit industrial and logistics needs, and then prototype the selected digital solutions and test them in Air Liquide’s operating environments.

By creating a fertile ground of exchange among experts and adopting a collaborative approach, Air Liquide and ST intend to accelerate digital innovation of industrial use-cases.

The parties have already identified a selection of projects and ideas in domains such as asset tracking and management, predictive maintenance and the cybersecurity of industrial assets.

Air Liquide said this cooperation will extend the long-standing business relationship established over the past decades between both companies.

The French corporation supplies gas, materials and equipment to ST’s manufacturing sites located in France, Italy, Malta, Morocco, the Philippines and Singapore.

Joël Hartmann, Executive Vice-President for Digital & Smart Power Technology and Digital Front-End Manufacturing of STMicroelectronics, said, “Building on the strong and mutually beneficial relationship established over many years, ST and Air Liquide are moving to further enrich this expedition.”

“Our goal is to support the digital transformation of Air Liquide, one of our major and strategic suppliers, by providing state of the art solutions leveraging our products and technologies portfolio to successfully accelerate their program in this domain.”

Guy Salzgeber, Executive Vice-President and member of the Air Liquide group’s Executive Committee supervising industrial activities in Europe, added, “We are confident that this additional cooperation with ST, a long-time strategic customer of the group, will enable a further acceleration of our digital transformation while helping ST in better addressing the technological needs in the field of Industrial Internet of Things.”

“This initiative is a further illustration of our open-innovation strategy partnering with customers, academics, suppliers and start-ups.”

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