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Solaris to debut hydrogen bus in June

Source:gasworld Update:2019-03-12 17:44:21 Author: Browse:1032次

Solaris Bus & Coach has revealed its plans to debut a hydrogen bus later this year.

The vehicle manufacturer said it will premiere its Solaris Urbino 12 hydrogen, a 12-metre-long bus with an electric driverline and a hydrogen fuel cell as range extender, during the Public Transport Summit in Stockholm in June.

This will be the first Solaris bus that runs on hydrogen. The company has applied the latest technological achievements on the market as components for hydrogen storage and power generation (composite tanks to store type IV hydrogen and a hydrogen fuel cell of the new generation).

“We enter 2019 with ambitious targets and large number of secured orders for this year. Crucially, a significant part of these vehicles feature alternative drivelines in the design and production of which Solaris is now a European expert,” CEO Javier Calleja said.

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