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Air Products to showcase latest innovations at IPPE

Source:gasworld Update:2019-02-13 19:57:03 Author: Browse:845次

Air Products will showcase its latest innovations in cryogenic technology and equipment for poultry and meat productions at the International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta, Georgia, from 12th-14th February.

The Tier One company will have multiple pieces of equipment on display at its booth including the Freshline® MP, Freshline® IQ tunnel freezer and the Freshline® IS solution. 

Air Products will also highlight its ability to supply nitrogen and CO2 spiral freezers, using a small footprint to provide continuous freezing or chilling to a wide variety of food products at high production rates.

Air Products’ food specialists will be on-hand to speak with poultry and meat processors about specific food processing challenges.

The company have food laboratories located in the US, Europe and Asia, the company can test a customer’s product on commercial-scale equipment to determine the feasibility of using cryogenic freezing or chilling for their specific process.

Air Products will be located at booth #B7253.

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