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PowerCell to change supplier of MEAs

Source:本站 Update:2018-12-28 19:01:30 Author:佚名 Browse:653次

The supplier behind a key component of PowerCell Sweden’s fuel cell stacks has announced it intends to discontinue production.

Manufacturing company 3M has supplied PowerCell for approximately 10 years and produces membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs), which are a key component of the Swedish company’s fuel cell stack.

PowerCell said it is well prepared to manage the change and assessed the risk to production and deliveres as “insignificant”. The company said it already has alternative suppliers and a sufficient number of components in its inventory.

“We purchase these components from a number of suppliers and have good possibilities to replace 3M as supplier”, Per Wassén, CEO of PowerCell said.

“As we also have a good inventory situation for these components, we don’t see any risk for an impact on our production or deliveries.”

3M has attributed the decision to discontinue all its production of MEAs to a recent strategic review. It will be completed by the end of the first quarter 2019.

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